Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Well, as fun as writing about vacations in detail is, doing so while on said vacation does present its challenges. You may have already guessed this given my lack of posts during our January 2014 vacation to NYC. It was another great trip! The problem was that, well, trying to write about the experience on the fly takes away from actually being present in the experience. You may know what I mean...you may not. I still have all my notes from that trip in my phone and I hope to someday add NYC 2014 to the blog.

Anyway, on to bigger things.  As part of our pending nuptials, Terry and I have been planning a big trip to Denmark in June this year. We are spending 18 nights there with seven in Copenhagen, three on Bornholm, two in Odense, four in Aarhus and then two back in Copenhagen again before flying back home.

Flights are booked and all accommodations have been booked via airbnb except Bornholm where we are staying at a little vacation resort in Allinge-Sandvig that we booked online. All we need to do now is decide on how to get around....train or car or both. Likely to be a little bit of both - train in and around Copenhagen, train and ferry to Bornholm and a car while there, followed by a car for our swing from Zealand to Jutland and back. Of course all towns will be easily navigated on foot or by bicycle.

Looking forward to seeing more of the places where my parents grew up and enjoying with Terry all the Danes have to offer. She will love this as much as I know I will.

Details of our trip to follow...someday :)

Until then...God dag.