Friday, November 22, 2013

Very cool

So it seems posting via email works. Awesome. Will be sticking with Blogger (and deleting all things Wordpress for now).


(This post is very likely only directed at myself since I doubt that, assuming I actually had readers at some point, they are now long gone due to my it should be)

I know, I know...not much has been written here since my initial burst in 2010. Since then there have been vacations...many with Terry and her kids...Mt. Tremblant...Quebec City and Old Montreal...Wasaga Beach...Cleveland/Akron (Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is awesome!) country overnights...Nuite Blanche...Southern California this past summer...However, my passion for blabbing about them online waned somehow...this is just a toy after all.

Nevertheless, the vacation that prompted this blog to begin with - Manhattan in September 2009 - is being revisited with a relatively spontaneous trip to NYC in January 2014.  So I thought I might try doing this again.

To keep my interest, I have been looking into how to use blogspot on my Blackberry.  This does not look to be a successful venture so I may move the blog over to Wordpress to use their app on the fly while down there.

Stay tuned...